→ My digital scrap designs

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


I will be doing alot of editing in my Blog......6 months of absence...wooooh....thats too long ( i admit) too many things happened in my life in the past 6 months...one of them is the death of my grandmother... then my computer crashed and freshly reformatted....spent my time with my brothers both took their same vacations with us....the issues regarding my paypal has been finally settled....the long vacation...has ended....and here are my plans.....plans.....well...., first of all....,Im so glad to be back...I will try to change my blog BG for sure...deleting some of the (unwanted)blinkies.... Im presently selling my stuff to only 1 store...but I am planning to apply for other stores...hopefully i can find new stores..... creating new kits to sell and freebies for all... and posting more layouts soon...


Image and video hosting by TinyPic

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Lisadee said...

Hi Rhuth ... so nice to hear from you, it is great to have you back, hugs Lisa

Jaya said...

Hey Rhuth, I was wondering what happened to you?? I came here so many times to see if you posted something or not?? It was nice to hear from you. Great to have you back and congrats on the new stores!!! Good luck and pls keep in touch!!

Credits Designs: Minima template , Strawberry Delight by Holly Designs